Procurement Management In The Construction Industry

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Abstract The construction industry is large and diverse, with lot of companies and professional bodies. This makes it thought-provoking to develop a common vision and priorities. Activities in the industry are always term as project and these projects must be procured and managed thus making the concept of procurement and project management inevitable in the construction industry. This paper will begin by briefly introducing the reader to the construction industry and try to find and give appropriate definition for the industry. This paper identifies and explain the relevant area of professional practice such as construction project and procurement management in the context of the construction industry to a reader who is unfamiliar with it.…show more content…
This calls for the need of well qualified construction managers. Owners and executives are no longer former labourers who used to “swing a hammer” and now own their own companies. Management candidates today are increasingly being chosen from the ranks of college and university graduates (Dorsey 1992). These managers or to be managers need to have a sound knowledge about project and procurement management and related activities in the construction…show more content…
The service provided must be to the client’s satisfaction, safeguard his interests at all times, and, where possible, give consideration to the needs of the eventual user of the facility”. Motivating, managing, coordinating and maintaining the morale of the entire project team is the key role of the project manager. The project manager has that continuous duty of exercising, control of project time, cost and performance. One specific area of practice within construction project management is procurement management. Procurement is commonly seen as the act of getting equipment, material or suppliers. It is the process which creates, manages and fulfils contracts with the involvement of different processes are which are likely to differ from one domain to another and may involve different people. Ordinarily, Mak (2013) defines procurement as a careful, usually documented process towards achieving an outcome within a given timeframe. This document is usually known as procurement specification and it accompanies every
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