The Negative Impact Of HIV/AIDS On Children

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Undeniably any effort to calculate the impact of HIV/AIDS among the various vulnerable population groups would be totally unfair and unequal. However, beyond any subjectivity that can characterize an issue that hints vulnerability topics when the debate comes onto impacts relating to children, then every priority has to be focused on them. Children, as in all respects the most vulnerable group, subject severe consequences due to aids epidemic. HIV/AIDS blast has, and will, precipitate enormous suffering for countless children, families and communities. Unknown numbers of children will go hungry, starve and suffer stunted physical and mental growth. Similarly, many children will endure enormous anguish as they potentially find themselves alone and unsupported, the butt of cruel commentary and behavior, excluded, exploited, beaten, raped and forced into labor. Many children will have to make their own way in the world, sleeping rough, doing opportunistic work, begging and soliciting patronage and protection from street groups.…show more content…
Currently, children under 15 account for one in six AIDS-related deaths worldwide and one in seven new HIV infections—the vast majority through mother-to-child transmission of the virus. Figure 4.6 illustrates the extent to which AIDS has increased the proportion of deaths per 1000 live births in eight of Africa’s hardest-hit

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