Millennium Development Goals In Bhutan

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Q) How has Bhutan progressed with Millennium Development Goals? Bhutan is a landlocked Himalayan country with great philosophy of Gross National Happiness which emphasis on development plans with concern with happiness of people and its nation. According to Bhutan’s Progress: Midway to the Millennium Development Goals report (2008), Bhutan along with 189 member states adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000, committing to a new global partnership to reduce extreme poverty and setting out a series of time-bound targets with a deadline of 2015 that are known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).Bhutan’s analysis the relationship between Bhutan’s development Philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH) and the MDGs. The…show more content…
The Gross Primary Enrollment Ratio, targeted at 100% by 2015, reached 96% in 2012. Almost all students (98.5%) reach Class VII, showing a clear improvement from the number of 85.4% in 2007. This is mainly due to more girls having the chance to reside in school. The goal of promote gender equality and empower women has been achieved in accordance with the UNDP report (2012). The achievement of complete gender equality after achievement of universal primarily education at primary and secondary levels was achieved by 2009.Indicating that, the ratio of girls in tertiary education has risen with assurance, from 54% (2007) to 71% (2012) and the number continues to grow. On the other hand, under-representation of women in the Parliament and weak involvement in national decision making processes continue to need concentration in order to reach gender equality targets by 2015. MDG targets to decrease by three quarters the maternal death ratio the majority maternal deaths could be avoided; giving birth is especially risky in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where the majority women deliver without expert…show more content…
There are indications that with vastly improved access to critical reproductive health services including antenatal care, and the establishment of numerous emergency obstetric care centers, Bhutan is well on track to achieve the MDG target of reducing maternal mortality to below 140 per 100,000 live births by 2015. Most maternal deaths are due to post-partum hemorrhage occurring either at home or because women arrive too late at hospitals which necessitates easy access to emergency obstetric care services. Work needs to be done in ensuring health personnel attend all births, with a goal of achieving 100% attendance by 2015. While significant progress has been made from just 19% in 1990 to 69% in 2012, there is still quite a lot of ground to cover here, especially in rural and remote areas. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases .The support and involvement of WHO have been significant in helping to get better Bhutan’s health system. Bhutan has one of the most wide-ranging primary health care systems in the world, with 90% of the population having entrance to health care services. The rate of immunization has risen from 90% in 2007 to 94.4% in 2012, close to meeting the MDG target of

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