Effects Of Pornography On Children's Psychology

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Pornography and Its Effects On Children's Psychology In the book "A War We Must Win", author John Harmer criticized the media that denies that pornography, sex, nudity and violence have any long-term negative effect on adults or children. He reinforces his view with the support of Nicholas Van Hoffman's quote:"Why is it that liberals who believe "role models" in third grade readers are of decisive influence on behaviour when it concerns racism or male chauvinist piggery, laugh at the assertion that pornography may also teach rape? Every textbook in every public school system in the US has been overhauled in the last twenty years because it was thought that the blond, blue-eyed urban children once depicted therein taught little people a socially dangerous ethnocentrism".…show more content…
The internet provides numerous benefits if it is used in a rational and proper way, but a slight distraction from its conscious use can lead the user in a vicious circle of problems, and children are more vulnerable to this digital witchcraft. The internet can bring awesome results, if we use it in a controlled way. Teens are always curious to know and discover the things, their inquisitive behaviour often ushers them into the mesmerising world of fascination. In pursuit of finding the answers of their queries and puzzles they often jeopardize themselves in 'Internet Pornography' which provides them an easy, but indiscreet access to explore the world. EARLY EXPOSURE TO ADULT STUFF AND ITS

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