The Importance Of Tourism In Mandu

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The town is located on southern slop of mountain terrain allowing the settlement to build different harvesting structure along with the building for their survival. As there was no ground water available at the terrain, every drop of water was important and then they tried to collect in different catchment areas. Every cluster had its own rain water harvesting tank which serves the purposes. Mandu had around 40 large water tanks for their survival that is the reason behind the system has worked so well. Currently few reservoirs are left on which current settlement is dependent and there are some wells found in low lying areas as result of rain harvesting techniques practiced since ancient times. Unsurprisingly, the town was unoccupied many…show more content…
Mandu is important from the tourist point of view due to the following reasons:  Historical monuments and settlements  Landscape of high visual quality due to its topography. This place is famous for its topography. This place is famous for its around 10 centuries old fortified settlements which are architecturally of great importance due to its uniqueness. The plateau has Lakes, Kunds, Bawadis spread throughout of which Rewa Kund is of great religious significance. Landscape of high visual quality and natural wilderness is of great importance due to its regional topographical location. Inference- The existing tourist profile: Mandu has historically, religiously and topographically a very significant place in the whole region. It being on the junction of four states i.e. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat is of utmost consideration while looking at the tourist circuit of the

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