The Importance Of Visual Communication

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Without visual aid, an idea is said “to be lost in a sea of words”. An award-winning scholar at Stanford University, Robert E Horn said “When words and visual elements are closely entwined, we create something new and we augment our communal intelligence. Visual language has the potential for increasing human bandwidth – the capacity to take in, comprehend and more efficiently synthesize large amounts of information.” (Parkinson, M. 2012.) Visual communication allows for the use of visual elements, such as drawings, electronic images and illustrations to pass on ideas and information to its audience, whether it being customers or staff. This assists them in remembering the information. If poorly designed visual aids are presented it becomes…show more content…
These are: Clarify ones goals by deciding on the purposes for the system required, what and who is it to serve and express the right information. Survey existing signage conditions and determine whether they can be built upon or need to go in a whole new direction. This can be achieved by reviewing standards, evaluating studies, doing a survey on the physical signs through the placement, type and condition. Understand the users and become involved with the different types, being visitors, workers, residents and tourists. Observe the different types and their decision making and navigation abilities through the space. Interview the types of users and enquire about their overall impression of the facility and the difficulties they encounter. The staff are able to provide information on recurring problems they come across. Understanding aspects through research that identifies culture and history around the site. This will allow the nurture of local pride and increase knowledge. Outline guidelines through a written plan containing the tone of information to be expressed, of the audience and signage…show more content…
Enhance a greater satisfying and enjoyable visitor experience. Places of caution will also be provided through the new signage to ensure safety among tourists. There is a very basic way-finding system currently in place at Randburg DHA as shown in Figure 2 and 3. Their navigational system consists of very basic signs in a group displaying arrows in different directions. Based on observations made however, the visitors seem to not understand the signs as they immediately ask the security guards, next to the signs, where to go. Inside the main entrance of the DHA is a sign displaying all the services they provide and the cost (Figure 7), however it is placed on the opposite side of the entrance next to the counter where payment is made and is practically invisible to the visitors entering the building. The placement of the sign does not benefit anyone as visitors will have to firstly get inside the building after standing in long queues and complete their task before paying.Other forms of signage present inside the main building includes plain paper with paragraphs of information on the walls and at the tellers. This form of signage does not attract the visitors to want to read it as it does not hold their interest. This signage appears to be torn, giving the impression that it is not important, as better care should be taken when addressing the

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