The Importance Of The Internet

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The desire to communicate around the globe is increasing due to massive evolution of media and technology. The thought of being able to know more about the different cultures around the world, being able to conduct business online, gain education through one global medium is rather intriguing to human minds. Ever since the invention of the internet it has not only been beneficial but also intimidating for the users. Every other invention comes with positive aspects which we find beneficial for us while some negative aspects which we cannot overlook just as the case with internet. Several Third World countries like Pakistan do not welcome the technological advancements because of the negative aspects. Anyway the internet is now being used all over the world to access information or news as it is the cheapest way. It is a medium through which people are educating themselves and getting exposure to the outside world which is helping them in developing themselves. Hence, it is indeed a necessity for a third world country like Pakistan to welcome internet in their lives and work towards a developing future of the country. Nowadays we have brought internet to our use for maximum utility but still there are some…show more content…
The speeding up evolution of information to electronic media is making information resources of the world available to increasingly more global audience through the Internet. Pakistan has much to gain from this rebellion in communication and information access. In contrast to the developed countries; where transport and communications infrastructures for delivery of both physical goods and information facilities are well established, the alternatives available within Pakistan are generally slow, costly or
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