Operation Anaconda Analysis

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Unity of Command and Operation Anaconda Operation Anaconda was the second large offensive attack in Afghanistan after September 11, 2001. The battle took place in early March, 2002 and the plan was for the battle to last approximately 6-8 days. Operation Anaconda came after Operation Tora Bora where presumably many of the enemy fighters engaged in Operation Tora Bora, escaped and entered the Shahi Kot Valley in southeastern Afghanistan. Unity of Command played a key role in the ensuing battle due to it being one of the principles of Joint Operations. A Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) organized for the operation involving all U.S. components and allied Afghan troops led by General Zia Lodin. Leading the operation was the 10th Mountain Division assisted by the 101st Airborne Division’s Task Force (TF) Rakkassn. Special Operations Force (SOF) units accompanied all units and the 18th Air Support Operations Group (ASOG) established an Air Control Element (ACE) (Fleri, E, etc. all). Many other smaller units and DOD contracted agencies were involved as well. Due to poor intelligence and underestimating the enemy’s forces, the soldiers on the ground, the pilots in the air, and the commanders had to adapt to a battle no one was expecting. Poor Intelligence Intelligence is a key factor in a constant changing battlefield. At…show more content…
Some people see Operation Anaconda as controversial, but most see it has a victory. The troops on the ground, in the air and the operation commanders were able to adapt to the situation and Operation Anaconda ended on 16 March. Several troops that fought on the ground and several of the pilots providing air cover were the recipients of the Silver Star award for their heroic actions during the operation. Only two Apache helicopters remained operational after the first day of the operation. “The U.S troops did not just fight smart, they fought hard” (Fleri,E., etc.,

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