The Importance Of Technology On Communication

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Before the Internet’s existence, people use to write letters and meet in person in order to communicate. However, technology is a huge part of people’s lives today. It connects people to one another more in the present day than ever before. Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, permit communication between family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers across the globe. While many people believe they are effective multi-taskers, research suggests that social networking sites, online chatting, gaming, and even brief cell phone notifications interfere with concentration and communication as well as with real world relationships. It’s accurate to say that technology does isolate people and reduce their interest in other people…show more content…
Many individuals argue that people are too occupied in the digital world compared to the real world due to the quick development of technology. Technology hinders emotional interactions that an individual may experience in a face-to-face communication. In the article, Why Social Media is Destroying Our Social Skills, the author Jasmine Fowlkes presents a study that was conducted that one in four people devote more time socializing and chatting online than they do face-to-face. Fowlkes also points out the fact that in parties and other events nowadays; people are glued to their smartphone texting and tweeting rather than truly engaging or networking with the people around them. This article also mentions other studies that initiates that people prefer to stay at home and communicate through their electronic devices on weekends rather than actually going out and communicating in…show more content…
Many would agonize from anxiety if they lose their phone, even if it is only for a few minutes or seconds, while others cannot sit at a dinner table or even drive without being on their phones. A recent study mentioned online in Psychology Today magazine states that cell phones are being used not only in bedrooms at night but also in showers. People are more emotionally attached to their technology than they are to other people, which is why it is isolating them and reducing their interest in other important
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