The Negative Effects Of Social Media During The American Revolution

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Everyday entrepreneurs and scientists are trying to push for the advancement of new technology. One of the most prominent forms of technology is new ways of communication. Technology has overall improved the world because of the new ways we can communicate with each other. However, with new technology, came social media which many claim have harmed our society. During the American Revolution the news of the British coming had to be spread by three different people on horseback. This took many hours and the message almost wasn’t spread because the messengers kept getting captured. Now imagine if the colonist had cellphones. The messages could have easily been spread and given the American ample time in order to prepare for the British troops.…show more content…
However, technology advancement has made humans so lazy , technology users are so dependent on new advance tech tools , this laziness has resulted into less innovation, it has increased on health risks because technology users exercise less and don’t go out as much. Many people blame this on social media and claim that it has ruined our society. Hayley Eastman, a writer for The Digital Universe, said, “New technology and social media sites are constantly changing, evolving and developing, which means the face of personal communication is also changing. These changes often mean people are having less and less face-to-face interaction.” This is one of the many negative effects advancements in communicative technologies have had on our society. Instead of talking face-to-face many teenagers rely on texting and talking over the internet as a better means of communication. This can ultimately harm them socially. It takes away time from personal interaction and can leave people socially inept and not know how to connect with someone on a personal level. Another negative effect of advancements in communication is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Studies on cyberbullying have proven that it happens often, “The studies covered a variety of social sites, but Facebook was the most common — between 89 percent and 97.5 percent of the teens who used social media had a Facebook account. Seventeen of the 36 studies analyzed looked at how common cyberbullying was, and the researchers found that a median of 23 percent of teens reporting being targeted. About 15 percent reported bullying someone online themselves.” Researchers also found that depression is a direct result from the cyberbullying and that out of ten studies

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