The Importance Of Servant Leadership

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The “pragmatic task” in other words, so what do we do now? I like that this is the fourth and final step in the progression because so often we ministers want to act quickly and decisively without being reflective and careful. Make no mistake: the people to whom we are ministering need real answers and deep pastoral care, and this step is essential. But without carefully reflecting on their state, interacting with the best wisdom our world has, and meditating the teachings and ethics of Scripture we run the risk of shortchanging them in favor of an easy or “obvious” answer that might be quite wrong. Leadership involves the use of character to overcome an external challenge. Effective leadership simplifies the complex, sets aside doubt and…show more content…
It is not primarily a matter of personality traits, like being self-effacing, mild-mannered, or overly responsible. To the contrary, leading a congregation to change in ways that more nearly approximate its mission as a contrast society and social catalyst will take courage, resolve, and the ability to empower others. While servant leadership may involve suffering, this is not suffering for suffering’s sake. It is suffering in the pursuit of one's calling, or vocation, suffering in the face of conflict and…show more content…
There is no other way to develop expertise in the tasks of ministry. Yet task competence in the service of leading change requires more than these things. It requires humility. Humility is not to be mistaken for false modesty or being meek and mild. Rather, it is the virtue of a contrast society in which power and authority are viewed along the lines of Christ's self-giving giving love. 2287-2290 It involves treating the needs of others and the common good of the community as having a claim on one's conduct.19 Task competence pursued with humility entails two things. First, it involves allowing the concrete needs of those in the community and the well-being of the community as a whole to influence the competencies leaders develop. 2294-2296 Servant leaders strive to make their congregations responsive to the needs of others. 2305 First, they offer members a path of discipleship in which the needs of others gradually become as important as their own. 2312 Second, servant leaders guide their congregations toward caring for the needs of people who are different from themselves.

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