Ktg Leadership Challenges

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Executive Summary KTG is a consulting company which provides a range of services such as engineering, architectural, mining, construction and environmental services. KTG’s mission “Our expertise and approach are rooted in the perspective of the business owner, based upon real world experience” (KTG official website). There are several problems identified by the CEO of KTG such as mentioned below.To overcome these challenges, this report addresses the specific changes that need to be taken into account such as the implementation of strategic plans and effective communication. The regional manager must interact with the different departments to enable to provide professional development and training to the Knowledge stream manager so as to accomplish…show more content…
 KTG employees and team lack the knowledge of the company’s mission, vision and goals.  KTG has a record for their lack of engagement with the regional government and community. The concepts of leadership Leadership is a social influence created by leaders who aim to bring change and difference to a work environment. Leadership is not managing tasks rather managing people’s behaviour towards it. The leader is responsible for planning, organizing and directing its employees towards the mission and vision of the organization. All leaders must possess some common qualities such as persistence, integrity, knowledge and the energy to motivate their employees. Every leader leads based on the kind of situation or work environment that he/she comes across. Situational factors affect leadership style and power such as: • How big is the organization? • What are the traits of employees and the work trend? • What kind of jobs and tasks are to be…show more content…
It uses a matrix structure which lacks the continuum of empowerment and designated responsibilities. Although the pschycological size of the team is below 45 members, it is crucial to discuss ideas and integrate decision making. In a matrix structure, coordination is key; however, KTG is inappropriately interlinked. Members of this kind of matrix may be working under pressure and often misunderstand/mismatch responsibilities to the different functions. KTG must work towards improving its flow and exchange of information alongside centralizing decision making to better estimate the use of resources and the importance of different projects. KTG should firstly start with setting their social objectives, values and policies and also make sure that this plan assures gain to company’s idea. The main focus for doing so is to make sure that the organization environment changes in terms of its structure and management. It is essential to start development in the following areas: 1) Research & Development for new products and ideas. 2) Finance for reinvestment and expansion of the business. 3) Human Resource requirement –to make sure that there is enough staff varying according to quantity or

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