Colleen Barrett: Servant Leader

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Servant Leader Servant leader is an autonomous, dynamic, and a wiser individual with a great conscious of serving others enthusiastically. This inherent property of the concerned make him wealthier because they come to know the key facts due to their inherent ability of helping others, that how to lead the company. The majority of the individuals confuse the meaning of the term servant leader with the inmates who take charge in the prisons or in the hospitals. While in fact the case is entirely different. The servant leader can be the owner or a manager of the company who is bestowed with a kind heart to serve the others with his dynamic and passionate personality. Colleen Barrett is the President Emeritus of Southwest Airlines and a servant…show more content…
Every day increasing progress is the bare proof of her capabilities. Colleen is among the one of the most successful women of the business world. Though the Colleen is famous for many of her leadership qualities but the one that takes her to the top is her empathy. She specially take care of her employees at individual level and help them in sorting their personal matters as well. She has a viewpoint that everyone can have personal issues therefore the company authorities should give them space to soothe their lives. Second important character of her is her best practice in promoting the equality. She said that everyone in their company is like the owner. There is no cultural difference among the employees. Everyone works like a boss this help them to work enthusiastically that in mandatory of the growth of their company. Another thing that helped her in earning a great repute is the concept of awareness. Southwest airlines keep their workers well aware about the different strategic and operational approves. This thing create in them a sense of being consider due to which they work with great loyalty and enthusiasm. One feature of her personality that is responsible for mark difference between the Southwest airlines and other companies is to listen to the ideas and options given by the employees a culture that is entirely different from the rest of the companies (C. Spears,…show more content…
They always work with a concept to be prepared for the bad in the good times. This is the reason that Southwest airlines have not to face a huge loss when stock exchanges drops down. Employees of the company works in union with each other and follow all the instructions given by the company. Colleen always prioritize their employees with extreme care and empathy and deal them as their primary customers. Company including her take great care of their employees and same she expect from her employee to do with the secondary customers and passengers. They expect their employees to deal their customers in similar passionate and frugal way (Rykrsmith,

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