Gandhi As A Non-Servant Leader

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People recognize Gandhi as being one of the most prominent influential leaders who practiced non-violent civil disobedience. Gandhi inspired many remarkable leaders like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr with his values and belief in non-violence (Barnabas & Paul). He protested and fought for the independence of India from under Great Britain’s reign. Gandhi urged his people not to fight back, that having a peaceful protest is stronger than violence. He prepared to accept the struggle and punishment to establish unity for Indians and his country. This essay will examine Gandhi in his servant and value base leadership roles, and how his vision for a free India and beliefs of non-violence was more successful than the British repression.…show more content…
He was an active leader who dictated himself to his people. His leadership could influence a group toward making achievements and goals. This characteristic is what makes a servant leader (Boone & Makhani, 2012). His fearless and courageous determination to fight the British non-violently played a large role in India’s liberation. He encouraged countless number of people to take a stance on rights by using his approach of a nonviolent civil rebellion. He performed several different forms of protest, and he never diverted from his path. All his protests had one thing in common, they never got violent. Even when police or soldiers were angry and began using violence, Gandhi and his followers never retaliated. Every time a law was passed by the British that was unjust, one-sided or just unfair to Gandhi, he found a clever way to protest. Gandhi knew if he did not respond peacefully, that it would make matters worse for him but most importantly his followers. One example of a clever way Gandhi protected without violence was when he started making his clothes. Gandhi began to make his clothes due to the British factories taking over the cotton business and driving Indian companies out. Anyone who tried to make their clothes would have been imprisoned, but Gandhi refused to comply with these rules. He began to make made his clothing and wouldn’t part with his spinning machine.…show more content…
He continued to protest with peace; he was able to convince his supporters and followers to do the same and not fight back. Gandhi did not go out looking for supporters or followers they just gathered and volunteered; he taught them the importance of life. The resistance was peaceful; the non-violent protests delivered such a powerful message of willpower and self -possession; it showed that being forceful with brutal tactics would not prevail. Gandhi believed “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind” (Attenborough, 1982). One of the key factors that made non- violence work was that he openly accepted his punishment. Gandhi accepted his punishment for breaking laws and was sent to jail for six years. His logic was “they may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, and then they will have my dead body. Not my obedience” (Attenborough,

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