The Importance Of Science Fiction

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Children have always enjoyed stories, comics, cartoons and movies. All these means are so compellingly represented that the scenes, characters and the events all remains visionary in the mind of the child. Children nowadays want to become a part of it all and try to get involved a little too much into the comics or cartoons mainly because they feel as if it is happening to them. Children’s fantasies are a beneficial line of attack to reality, not an escape. Fantasy is an ordinary part of the growth of the child’s persona, as he tests with his wants within the reality reachable to him. Children are always seeking a role model, someone to look up to. Usually this role model or epitome is found one’s own home, in the form…show more content…
Leon E. Stover (1973) The article states that Science fiction contains the sort of writing that provides to a number of particular reader senses of taste in the world of widely held culture. “Anthropology is known to be a subject matter as well as a point of view. Science fiction is rather more inter-national in its readership than in its authorship, which is confined chiefly to the United States and Britain”. Science fiction has indeed brought to the public a self-critical self-consciousness about culture that used to be confined to social scientists, including…show more content…
For the outcome of results, the methodology used was fairly straightforward. Several episodes of four Saturday morning cartoon programs shown on the Fox network were documented on videotape. These four shows were X-Men, Iron Man, Spiderman, and Battle tech. Each cartoon demonstrated human or human-like male and female characters using science or some form of technology. Eight one-minute segments were casually edited from each cartoon, and up to four major characters in each segment were selected to have their actions and behaviours investigated. The sex of each character was renowned, as was the setting of each segment. The significance of the character within the clip was judged as either major or
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