The Importance Of Risk Assessment

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Risk to whom, is desire output while considering health and safety. Risk to what in health and safety is actually risk to whom. People who are concerned with the formation of subject of risk assessment are of significant importance for defining its scope. This may be employees or group of them, typical contractor, public members. Target population is to be considered in risk assessment. It is the population, having chances of being exposed to the risk. Target population is always defined in many of the regulations and it also helps in defining the scope of assessments after realizing the hazards. As a result of particular activity or group of activities there is a chance for work activity hazards for example: processes, working organization,…show more content…
Practice has been started by HSE with expectation to achieve good precautions regardless of specific risk estimates at least (HSE, 2001a). It provides duty holders with valuable advice in order to gain a control over risks which arise in result of some hazards. The opportunity for the duty holders for obtaining any good practice has been a great success as the estimation of risks, technical feasibility, costs, acceptability of risks has been minimized because a good practice has all of them (HSE, 2002a). Most positive aspect of good practice is the reduction of explicit evaluations of various hazards if it is adopted for all work place hazards (see Case Studies 3 and 4). The point to be considered in order to make a good practice is to be well aware of the activity which is being considered. Being up-to-date is an important characteristic of good practice. It means that a proper image of current situation should always be cleared. More details and explanation regarding sources of good practice is mentioned in HSE…show more content…
It is a need of hour to improve this process on regular bases. It should be considered as a part of management practice (MHSWR, 1999). Submissions observed in high hazard industries for the preparation of safety reports or safety cases always include a risk assessment. Such organizations have a well developed and proper system for review and changes in operation after regular time intervals. Probability of suspect raises the need for reviewing risk assessment. Examples of such cases are: following an accident; a near miss; significant changes to procedures; availability of some new information. These reviews are not scheduled and considered as unplanned reviews. These reviews are done because of some significant and unexpected changes. Source for the flow this new information is from various sources. Such source might be variations in technical development, new manufacturer; new staff with different and new experience, new material or even equipment. Monitoring of routine activities like air quality measurements and medical surveillance are the way from where other information flows being relevant to the assessment (St John Holt, 1999). Factors like technical development, economical instability, market pressure, company policies are responsible for the changes. The changes which affect the defined procedure of working include things like

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