Why Is Recording Respiratory Rate Important

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Intro Changes in respiratory system are progressively recognised as the most profound indicator of patient deterioration. Accurate and timely respiratory assessment is a vital element of holistic patient care. However, studies reveal that many nurses do not believe a respiratory assessment is essential on every patient admitted into a healthcare facility. Despite their importance, respiration rates are documented less often than other vital signs. This essay will highlight the importance of recording respiratory rates and enables nurses to develop a more holistic approach to clinical assessment enhancing patient care and management. Body importance of resp assessment Alveolar ventilation is generally controlled by the actions of lung receptors and central and peripheral chemoreceptors. The respiratory system involves the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, larynx and pharynx, and the lower respiratory tract, including the trachea, bronchi and lungs. It regulates body temperature and balances the pH of the body through…show more content…
When this occurs the respiratory rate may be reduced, often follow with a lowering consciousness. In these situations the respiratory rate is an early signs of patient’s deterioration and should be recorded with other vital signs in patients who admitted into a healthcare facility. Recording respiratory rates can give early indications of respiratory deterioration. In many cases patients may have optimal pulse-oximetry readings, and high respiratory rates due to hypercarbia. Therefor, respiratory assessment should also be conducted to recognise whether it is shallow, normal or deep along with accessory muscles are used as uneven chest movements can signify a chest-wall injury or a collapsed lung. In addition, the rhythm of respirations should be documented in order to prevent major adverse events such as cardiac

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