Essay On Raising The Driving Age

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On your normal drive home you pass a busy intersection, but something isn’t right. As you approach you see ambulances and fire trucks. As you get directed through the traffic you see a fatal car crash. You look for signs that everyone is okay but before you know it you are directed away from the madness. Later on the news you see the car crash and learn that two teenage drivers collided and that both are in critical condition. This happens way too frequently amongst teenage drivers. The minimum driving age should be raised because of teen injury/death and because teens are not responsible enough to drive a vehicle at sixteen. To begin, teens get injured way too often while driving and some cases result in death. Statistics show that…show more content…
Many teens are very good drivers and they are prepared for any emergency situation they face. Most times teens are a little to cautious when they're driving, and that bothers some of the older drivers. Lot´s of teens are just like me where they don´t want to get behind the wheel because it scares them. When choosing a side it was easy because this is what I want. Is this something every teen in the whole world wants, no. At the end of the day this is the government's decision to decide on raise the driving age or not. I am just a teenager from Illinois who is scared about driving and doesn´t want to do it. Many teens can be trusted behind the wheel and know what they are doing whether it´s fully stopping at a stop sign or being focused on the road. Teens still though are reckless and can get into a car crash causing injury or death. Is this something that can be avoided if the driving age is raised? Only time will tell if it actually does raise whether or not the driving age raises. In conclusion I stand by my decision that the driving age should be raised. Never in a million years should a family get awful news about their teen in a car crash. If the driving age is raised I do have hope that this scenario will happen less and less. I believe that the minimum driving age should be raised because of teen injury/death and because teens are not responsible enough to drive a vehicle at

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