Globalization And Internationalization

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1. What forces have been driving the increased internationalization of business? Internationalization is the increased significance for corporations to foster international relationships and to create alliances in efforts to provide goods and services to different parts of the world. This is all in part to globalization. The text talks about the various forces that are driving this behavior; for instance, the reduction of trade barriers through trade agreements so that more goods and services can be traded more openly, as well as they are able to enter into new markets with lower overhead costs. The text also mentions, “rapid development and transfer of new technology”. (pg.15) Due to technological advancements, companies are now…show more content…
Countries in Asia are placing efforts on government initiated and controlled labor regulations and free-market-based HRM policies and practices. In countries such as South Korea, Hong Kong, China, and India, legislation and commercial operations have been under various pressure exerted from globally strong regions such as Europe and North America. This is forcing, in part with economic and financial recession and other factors, organizations in countries residing in the Asian region to adjust to the new reality, leading those very organizations to rethink and restructure many of their HRM…show more content…
The readings and assignments for this week’s discussion was very enlightening. I had an overall idea of the impact culture and diversity has on an organization but not to this extent. I now understand that globalization has also impacted cultural diversity in the workplace. “In today's organizations, a global mindset is crucial, no matter where an employee is located. In the past, an organization's leaders, managers and employees needed to understand a culture only if they were going to another country to live. Now, employees work virtually across borders via technology, they work with a variety of ethnicities at home, and they interact with a globally dispersed customer base. So a global mindset and skills are necessary for all employees.” (SHRM) I honestly didn’t realize the complexities and challenges an IHR manager face on a day to day basis. HRM is a system that hires, motivates, develops talent and is a main reason why companies remain at a competitive advantage. On a global scale, it’s also managing people from different cultures with different traditions and possible expectation and even communicate in different ways. IHR managers have to come with ways to tailor their efforts as appealing to an in a multinational workforce organization

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