Body Postural Analysis Techniques

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Rapid Entire Body Postural Analysis Assessment Device for Computer Operators using IOT Rajashekhar C Davanagere, M.Tech Student, Computer Network Engineering, Mrs. Thanuja K, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, REVA Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru. ABSTRACT The reason for this paper is to review one of body postural analysis tool using REBA(Rapid Entire Body Assessment), in terms of its development, uses(applications), validity and limitations. There are lot of research which has showed how REBA is used for analysing the posture of jobs in number of industrial, health care jobs and other professional settings. Also in computer based jobs, packaging, school workshop, construction, sawmill tasks, supermarket industry, food…show more content…
‘Rapid Entire Body Postural Analysis Assessment Device for Computer Operators using IOT’ is a device which will be used for monitoring the sitting posture and that too for computer operators in particular. There is lot of importance given to monitoring the posture and notifying the working person who would be using the device. The device will help in correcting the sitting posture and avoid the MUSCLOSKELETAL disorders and other diseases. INDEX TERMS: REBA, Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal, postural analysis, sitting posture. I. INTRODUCTION In Industries and Services, the Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most widely spread occupational problems for both developed and developing countries. There is increasing expenses of salary compensation and health costs, declining productivity and lower quality of life. The different risk factors’ are causing these disorders, interactions resulting from several factors. These can be grouped into • Individual • Psychosocial and • Physical factors. Physical load of work is usually evaluated by • analyzing body…show more content…
In the IEEE paper ‘Design of polishing tools for improving work posture in furniture industry’, there is a detailed study about how the working posture of the workers will lead to the MUSCLOSKELETAL disorders and there is discussion about different ways of monitoring and avoiding it. As I am working in the IT Industry and I myself have got severe back pain and neck pain due to continuously sitting in front of the computer systems for more than 9 hours per day. Even though many feel that it is an easy job which doesn’t involve much physical exercise. But due to wrong postures there is vulnerability to MUSCLOSKELETAL disorders. So the motivation to help the people (and myself) working in the IT industry guys, lead to this project where there is lot of importance is given to monitoring the posture and notifying the working person using our ‘Rapid Entire Body Postural Analysis Assessment Device for Computer Operators using IOT’. And also as the data will be saved on a server, it can be used for further analysis and the way of mitigating the risks involved. III. RELATED

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