The Importance Of Leadership In The Military

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In the military your relationships with the leadership can sometimes have a life and death feel to it. The military has a unique way of looking at how a relationship between leaders and subordinates is to be handled on a day-to-day basis. What makes the military leadership and followers relationships work to accomplish the task at hand? The promotion system within the military does not always allow for the correct person to serve in the leadership role. Leadership in the military is a system that is based on earning points by gaining awards, completing military training, college course, and recognition awards. This is probably not the best way to promote your followers into leadership roles. The taught is that the leaders will put in the work…show more content…
In the military you cannot change how they use a points-based system for promotion overnight, but you can develop your personnel that want to become leaders by training them in how to be good leaders by your actions. In this organization the senior leader is presenting themselves as a leader that remains in the office and does not show any interest in the workers or the missions that they are completing. Also, the leader that is working with the team is not truly showing them how a good working relationship should look like because they are not talking with the senior leader to voice the concerns of the workers and how they are viewed by them. The implementation of a leadership development training session where the leaders get together and discuss the issues and ways to improve them. Leadership development training can be very effective because it gives the leaders time to identify weaknesses and find ways to strengthen them so that the organization can work more productively. Another change that could be looked at is that leaders spend more time working with the people assigned to them, by conducting some of the task with them. If you invest your time to help the ones that work for you conduct their work, and given them time to interact with you, this can grow your relationship with them by leaps and

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