Bill Gates Leadership Analysis

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can be. For example, part of Bill Gates vision was “A computer on every desk in every home”. This provides huge momentum and propels the organization, country or team to aggressively pursue the vision. Gates was providing the world a glimpse of the future – where all offices and homes had computers – even though his company, Microsoft, did not make computers at the time and most people saw little need for them. Today, more than 25 years later, computers are commonplace and considered essential work and home tools by the majority of people around the world. Additionally, Microsoft is one of the world’s most successful, respected and profitable companies. Another important quality of leadership is the ability to learn and grow as a leader. After…show more content…
In learning from your failures, it is very important how you approach those failures. A good leader will embrace those unsuccessful moments, learn from them and use it as an opportunity to teach those whom he or she are leading. With that is the fourth leadership skill. Caring for others is vital as a leadership because it demonstrates empathy. That leader is not focused on him or herself, but instead using the knowledge they’ve obtained to help someone else grow. It would be hard to talk about the life of Bill Gates and not discuss philanthropy and humanitarianism. Along with Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates were the founders of the giving pledge, a pledge taken by some of the world’s wealthiest people to give the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes or charitable organizations. Gates once said “I hope you will reflect on what you’ve done with your talent and energy. I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you work to address the world’s deepest inequities, on how well you treat people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity” (Bloomberg Businessweek). This is the kind of caring and empathy that causes people to stand behind a leader. He is the type of person who isn’t working toward his own goal of personal gain; he is working to help others grow. This is a key quality that successful leaders often embody. Anyone who wants to…show more content…
The first step to this plan should include leadership skills that will encompass the traits, behaviors, competencies, abilities, and experience of a good leader. We will start by identifying 3-5 objectives that my leadership development program is aiming to achieve those objectives and how the program will achieve them. The following is a list of three main objectives we will aim to achieve and that will aid in developing our leadership plan: • Honest, ethical behavior • Being able to clearly and succinctly communicate a vision • Using creativity and intuition to navigate difficult and unpredictable situations • Setting realistic goals with a clear timeline • Active Listening and Effective Communication In order to achieve the objectives listed above, we must use several methods to obtain them. One appropriate method that will help develop these skills is the SMARTER Goals. The SMARTER acronym stands for goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound, evaluated and re-adjusted. It's a strategy for setting your goals that will result in a high probability of success. In order to set a SMARTER goal, you need to get highly specific about that goal. Describe it down to the very last detail, ensuring that it's measurable and achievable. While lofty long-term goals are okay, SMARTER one-year goals, for example, should be something that's slightly

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