The Importance Of Immigration In America

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In 1903, the government installed a plaque containing a poem upon the Statue of Liberty, a physical manifestation of the freedom which the United States symbolizes. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” (Lichtenstein). Nearly every person living in the United States is he or she an immigrant themselves or descended from immigrants. The U.S. is a unique country because of its immigration history, as the blending of the different cultures certainly shaped it as it is today. Despite this, immigration remains a controversial topic throughout American history. Many American citizens maintain a hatred for foreigners who they believe cost more money to taxpayers than they are worth and are detrimental to society. Others believe that immigrants truly benefit the country and should begin the path to legal citizenship.…show more content…
While nationalist beliefs run rampant throughout the United States, the truth is that even legal citizens are either immigrants or descended from immigrants. This country is built off of an outstanding history of immigration, which makes xenophobic sentiments seem even more idiotic. “The United States is sometimes described as a ‘melting pot’ in which different cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavors" to American culture” (Zimmerman). It’s often said that America doesn’t really have a culture because the American people have simply taken what we like from each culture and claimed it as their own. They disregard how members of that culture feel about American appropriation and continue to ignore what they tell them. American culture is a culmination of so many different influences that come from other countries. The United States is known for this uniqueness. Yet, white nationalists claim to be proud Americans but also claim to hate the diverse minorities that make America exactly the country it

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