Immigration is necessary for refugees to escape the dangers of their country; however, the U.S. must set restrictions through a legalization process and consider the effects on natural citizens. While immigrants may be seen as job burglars, it should be noted that they provide immensely to our society. Immigrants are diligent workers, in fact they “contribute $10 billion a year to this country’s economic growth” (The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights). They will work for less than
Name: Kris Cisek Block: B Argumentative Essay/Debate Outline for Pro/Con Speakers Introduction Debate Question: Should the 14th Amendment be changed to end automatic birthright citizenship as proposed in the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2015? Position Statement (you should state your position on the debate here): The 14th amendment should be changed to end birthright citizenship as proposed in the BR citizenship right Act 2015 because it costs us money, it's being abused by illegal