Women Empowerment: The Effects Of Globalization

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Women Empowerment 1.1 the effect of globalization In recent years, globalization has led to interconnections across the world as never before. It has brought new actors into prominence – multinational corporations (MNCs), global governance institutions, civil society and individuals – as change agents transforming the landscape of governance, politics and the economy. Most visible in its economic sense, globalization has led to a closer integration of the world’s economies, through the reduction of barriers to the movement of goods, services and capital. Associated with this has been increased competition between firms, availability of consumer goods from any part of the world in local supermarkets, expansion of technologies and communications.…show more content…
10,000 each in purchasing stocks from HUL. The NGOs collaborating with HUL on Project Shakti provided money to some Shakti Amma for this initial investment, while others were given loans through the credit and savings schemes of their SHG. Most however generated their own funds for the investment required for the dealership. HUL estimated that the Shakti Amma would be able to make a profit of Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 3,000 per month on this investment, depending on the sales turnover. A Rs. 3000 profit would depend on a Rs. 30,000 per month turnover. For about half the Shakti Amma, the profits they make now have doubled since they began the dealership. For a few, the increase in the profits has not been significant, while profits have fallen for others. Four Shakti Amma interviewed have stopped the dealership because of falling sales and an increase in the number of retail outlets in the villages. According to HUL, Shakti Amma make a minimum of 8 to 9 per cent profit on their turnover. HUL worked out variable profit margins for Shakti Amma, depending on the clientele. A Shakti Amma could distribute goods to village shopkeepers, with a margin of 3 per cent, but would sell the goods at 6 per cent margin to other SHG members, and at a 9 per cent margin when they become retail outlets. Although on the whole Shakti Amma have followed the margins set by HUL, quite a few of them have used their own rationale in fixing margins for various customers. For instance, a few of them have sold products to other SHG members at a 5 per cent margin, and there were some who sold products to other SHG members at market price. At their own local shops, most of the Shakti Amma sold the products at the maximum retail price. HUL admits that although the company advocates margins for selling their products to different consumers, they leave the final decision of the margins to the Shakti

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