Philippine National Red Cross Case Study

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According to website of the International Committee of Red Cross, the Republic Act 95 was enacted last March 22, 1947 and this was entitled An Act to Incorporate the Philippine National Red Cross. This law was enacted in adherence to the Geneva Red Cross Convention in which the Philippines was a member and participating nation. Section 2 of this Act states: “Sec. 2. The name of this Corporation shall be "The Philippine National Red Cross" and by that name shall have perpetual succession with the power to sue and be sued; to own and hold such real and personal estate as shall be deemed advisable and to accept bequests, donations and contributions of property of all classes for the purposes of this Corporation hereinafter set forth; to adopt a seal and to alter and destroy the same at pleasure; and to have the right to adopt and to use, in carrying out its purposes hereinafter designated, as an emblem and badge, a red Greek cross on a white ground, the same as has been described in the Geneva Red Cross Convention, and adopted by the several nations ratifying or…show more content…
From National Blood Services to Disaster Management Services and, Safety, Health and Social Services, the PNRC have become an anchor of the government in providing health and welfare services to every Filipino all over country. In the Philippines, the PRC plays a very big role and support in the blood collection. Their role and their mission are stated in their official website as: “one of the major suppliers of blood in the country. The PRC is tasked to provide safe and quality blood through its active role in advocacy, education and promotion of voluntary blood donation, donor recruitment, retention and care, blood collection, testing, processing and blood issuance through its network of 82 blood service facilities

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