The Importance Of Health And Safety In The Workplace

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Health and safety is about looking after yourself and those around you and it’s also about how the risk of harm is managed and reduced. There are three steps that forms part of a risk assessment at work which are hazards, which is identified, risk, which are assessed, and precaution or control measures, which are taken to reduce or illuminate the risk. Everyone is entitled to work in an environment where risks to their health and safety are well guarded. You also have the responsibility for your own health, and your colleagues, customers and anyone who may be affected by wheat your do or what you don’t do. Since the health and safety legislation are brought in, the reported fatal and non-fatal injuries at work have fallen dramatically. The…show more content…
The Act emphasise that everything must be done in a reasonable manner where risks must be identified before the harm occurs to reduce the harm rate. All workplaces must ensure that all parties in the workplace are engaging with this Act continuously. Work related accidents has affected workers and their loved ones financially, physically, and emotionally. Hence why the health and safety at work issue is a crucial component that the New Zealand Council Trade Unions and Business New Zealand is involved in. New Zealand Council Trade Unions takes health and safety at work issue very seriously. They managed to maintain a healthier and safer work environment for New Zealand workers over the past decade. The matter of health and safety must not be separated from other issues that the unions deal with. They stated that “in order to meet the new Health and Safety at work Act requirement, they need to undergo some certified training” and also any workforce that “contain over 20 employees needs to elect their health and safety representative.” (, n.d.). All the health and safety agreements made with the workers needs to be negotiated with the union. The most…show more content…
However, Business New Zealand is lacking on a monitoring procedure where the information on the employer’s health, injuries, and other issues are not taken care off. This needs to be taken into consideration for a better health and safety organiser to collect data to improve the workplace environment. Media release from Business New Zealand covered a range of health and safety topic. This was rather useful to use for the Kiwi workers to see how their health and safety are

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