Importance Of Employment Law In Mauritius

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Mauritius Employment Law and Regulations Working affords an influential structure for uniting social and cultural life and also build and economic relationship between employer and employees. The relationship of employment is more than an exchange of labour for money. The development of employment law reflects the importance of working. Here in Mauritius, the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations& Employment is the ultimate authority where labour laws are regulated. In any companies, especially in hotels or catering services, HR department and line managers should always ensure to keep an update on all legal rights of both the employer and employees. Importance of Employment laws • To always the protection of the employees. • Always…show more content…
(Business Dictionary, 2015) The aim of Equal Opportunity Policy is to uphold the ambience of working in cooperation and respect within the staff. As nowadays we live in a socially diverse society and equality for different person of different sex, age, origin, marital status, religion, race and soon. Prejudice, discrimination and unfair comportment are not tolerated on workplace since the company should struggle to create and have a peaceful atmosphere so that personal development of every employee can take place, since it is vital for the development and prosperity of the staff. (Data Communication,…show more content…
• The opportunity and right to take part in recognising and solving the working place’s health and safety problems either through a H&S representative or a worker member of a joint and safety committee. • The right and opportunity to refuse working if they believe that the work is dangerous to their health and safety. • The right to have training to do the work in a safe and healthy way. • The right to have a competent supervision to stay healthy and safe at the workplace. In the Labourdonnais hotel, the workplace hazards are regulated to exclude or reduce employee injury and disease but the laws concerning problem like dangerous machinery and hazardous material are very supervised by the responsible in specific working outlet.. if the employee is hurt on the work spot, he may file for a compensation claim if ever his injury is very serious, that is why in Labourdonnais, they attempt to balance the employee’s need for a safe and healthy working atmosphere along with employer desire. And as the law has issued occupational safety and health standards, the hotel should meet these requirements otherwise they will have to face the civil and in rare happening can have to pay

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