Importance Of Women Entrepreneurship

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GENERATION NEXT OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ABSTRACT: This study assumes significance to check the awareness of entrepreneurship among generation next of possible women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurship culture has not yet reached the wider mass and there are still certain issues that need to be solved. A structured questionnaire survey was circulated to judge the awareness and aspiration levels by using scale based, and opinion based questions among 117 college students in Mumbai to estimate the awareness about women entrepreneurship views on it and possible aspirations among female college students. Key words: women entrepreneurs, challenges, perception, women entrepreneurs. INTRODUCTION Women entrepreneurship is one of the rising…show more content…
Before the 20th century, women operated businesses primarily with the motive of supplementing income, overcoming poverty or replacing the income from the loss of a spouse. But these ventures weren’t considered as ‘enterprises’ or the women as entrepreneurs as the society was not receptive to the idea of women owning or heading ventures. However, it was only in 20th and 21st century that women have been given the freedom and opportunities to actively participate in the business world. CONCEPT OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP “An enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51 per cent of the capital and giving at least 51 per cent of the employment generated by the enterprise to women.” — Government of India Kamala Singh, a noted researcher, defines women entrepreneurs as- “A woman entrepreneur can be defined as a confident, innovative and creative woman capable of achieving self-economic independence individually or in collaboration, generates employment opportunities for others through initiating, establishing and running the enterprise by keeping pace with her personal, family and social life.” NATURE OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS AND COMPARISON WITH MALE…show more content…
Through relationships and friendships they are able to expand their business. Women run their companies like a family and create a good working environment by putting people first. Women also tend to think innovatively in different circumstances. The evolution on women entrepreneurship down the years has been fraught with major socio-political, economic and physical challenges. With each passing year, women entrepreneurs break down the male bastion in different sectors. Yet, there are many difficulties which they face right from the initial set up till the operation of their business. This hampers the creative process and the entrepreneurial ambition of women, an important section of the society. Women entrepreneurship can be used as an effective instrument for greater women emancipation and harnessing their talent into something productive and creative. With greater encouragement and adoption of suitable measures we can have leading women entrepreneurs from various walks of life and various classes in the

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