Judicial Activism In India

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The concept of judicial activism has witnessed certain cases where active judicial activism was practiced. Some of them are given below: 1.KESHVANANADA BHARATI VS. UNION OF INDIA CASE:(1) This is perhaps the most famous case of judicial activism in India and its one of its kind, under this case there were six writ petitions filed for the challenging of 25th, 26th, and the 29th amendment to the constitution. Of the judges all of them were of the opinion that by the virtue of the existing article 368, amended by the 24th amendment, that the parliament had the power to amend any of the existing provisions of the constitution, but the majority agreed that this was to be done within certain limitations and it was held that in exercising the amending…show more content…
UNION OF INDIA CASE: Another case was the people’s union for democratic rights vs. the union of India case in 1982. This case was ruled by justice P.N.BHAGWATI, in this case it was found that various labor laws of the constitution of India were being violated which were the employment of children act, 1938, the contract labor act of 1970 and the interstate migrant workmen act of 1970. In this case the issue was that migrating labors of various state coming to work at the Asian games site at Delhi in 1982 had their rights violated. Their rights were violated by the workers who acted as middlemen in passing salaries to the actual workers who had migrated to work at Delhi, these middlemen, deducted rupee 1 as their commission from the salaries of the labors which was rupees 9.25 per day’s work. There was also the violation of protection of children’s act of 1938, where children of below 14 years of age who were being employed to work at the construction sites. Also there was the violation of the labors contract act of 1970, where the workers were being deprived of their right to proper working conditions and proper medical facilities. On this public interest litigation was filed by the people’s union for democratic rights and the Supreme Court bench ruled in the workers…show more content…
The legal aid movement and the concept of public interest litigation has helped the poor people of the country in having access to justice, it is these very forgotten masses of people who have been trampled under the shoe of injustice for centuries by a race of heartless people, it is these forgotten people who have given birth to men who framed the magnificent constitution, it is these forgotten people who need the justice right at their doorsteps, and courts must become the courts of these forgotten people of India for whom no one cares for and they have nothing to live for , life is very

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