The Importance Of Employee Learning

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Introduction How do you motivate employees to learn? This topic is essential for the organization to understand. If the employees are not motivated at the working place, it’s a big possibility that the employee do not learn at working place. Carby and Cross (2015, p. 69) declared that “For learning to take place, adults must be motivated to learn”. If the employee are not motivated to learn and the company need to teach them something new or just want to develop their skills, it can lead to spending more time and money to set up a proper process. We can also see that motivation has a clear connection to revenue, from a learning perspective if the employees are not motivated to learn it will be more time and cost consuming to teach employees…show more content…
McGuire (2014, p. 90), as cited by Georgenson (1982), “suggest that employees transfer less than 10 percent of training expenditures back to their workplaces”. McGuire (2014, p. 91) as cited by Eraut (2004) “Maintains that training transfer is particularly difficult because of the differences in context, culture and modes of learning”. McGuire (2014, p. 91) also cited by Baldwin and Ford (1988): Training transfer like the application of knowledge, skills and attitudes that is gained by training at the job and practinzingover over a period of time. They described trainee traits (personality, trainee ability, motivation effects) training design that is principles of learning, sequencing and training content and work environment (support in organization, continuous learning culture, task constraints) as factors that affect the transfer of training process. The learning transfer is very complex and to be able to learn effective everything need to fall in place to get motivated and stay motivated. Learning and Motivation…show more content…
He claims that employees can be creative or non creative. Creative needs the opportunity to be challenged and allowed to experiment so they can evolve. Otherwise it leads to lack of motivation. With the non creative it is opposite. There are different barriers to implement the process of learning, Hein (2012) mentions if we adopt the learning styles to the creative employees it could result that the non creative employees become unmotivated or have a hard time to keep up. And if we focus on non creative, creative employees will be bored and feel unmotivated. But even if employees might be the same creativity wise, it does not mean that they have the same needs in learning or motivation. It’s important to know that all human learn in different ways to be able to motivated them. Both (Hein, 2012) and (Carby and Cross, 2015) write about Fleming (1995) VARK learning style, different people learn best with different senses, VARK defines four different senses Visual, Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. This theory suggests that we can get a better understanding why the same kind of learning style does not work for everyone in the same group specified by

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