The Importance Of Cheating

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The sole reason of to going school is to educate with people's profession, but what is really the point if people are cheating? Education is required to get a job that’s why students are in school, where it helps students with their potential career. Technology has been a major impact in today’s cheating, as it’s been easier than ever to cheat. Students can easily just text each other instead of passing notes around the class. A survey reported that 64% of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58% on plagiarism, and 95% participated in cheating according to Donald McCabe. Students take great risk to cheat on their tests or any academics they are required to do. Cheating isn't worth taking a risk for, they come with serious consequences.…show more content…
Habits aren’t easy to break, trying to stop cheating will be hard to break. Laura Hudgens wrote an article called “Why cheating hurts students how and in their future” states cheating is common that they don’t even think of it as cheating anymore and that it’s not wrong. “Academic dishonesty give cheaters an unfair advantage over honest students… They don’t consider that the habits and work ethic that they are forming, or failing to form, now are likely to be the ones they will carry into adulthood” (Hudgens). Student’s may think cheating won’t hurt anyone, since they are just cheating to help them succeed. Consequently, it actually does hurt other students. Cheaters have an unfair advantage over honest students, cheating students would have a higher chance of getting into a college than honest students. Feeling more pressure than ever as students are pushed to succeed, so they have the urge to cheat to help them succeed. As they carry the habit into adulthood, they will think if they can get away with anything it’s not wrong. Student’s cheats once and they don’t get busted, then they try another time and they still aren’t caught cheating. Having the mindset that they won’t get caught. so they continue their habit of cheating. Habits are hard to break like cracking your knuckles. Student’s are just cheating themselves in the…show more content…
Student’s didn’t really understand the knowledge they learned, so they rely on cheating when the information they are supposed to know are on a test. The website on, “How will cheating in school affect the rest of your life,” by Christopher Cascio provides why cheating isn’t a victimless act, as there is much more serious consequences than getting caught. “ … You don’t have access to knowledge you never learned in the first place… For example… you cheat on a structural engineering exam…. Few years later, while working as an engineer on building a new pediatric hospital… you need to call upon skills that were covered on the exam which you cheated… You never learned those skills… you can’t apply them when you need them” (Cascio). Student’s may pass the exam due to cheating, but they didn’t really learn some of the skills they were taught. Cheating can cause real-life problems for the outside world, passing an exam and cheating on it won’t mean anything as it will harm others because the skill was never learned. Students may succeed in school due to cheating, but they are actually setting themselves fail in the outside world. For an example a surgeon cheated on the exam and a few years later they need to recall certain skills, but those skills was part of the exam that they cheated on. As they put the patient life in jeopardy as the surgeons don’t know what to
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