Copying In Inferno By Dante Alighieri

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Copying from another person during a test is looked down upon in the modern contemporary society, but there are no drawbacks as harsh as the punishments in the time portrayed by Dante Alighieri in Inferno. During this period, thieves and liars are transferred to the deepest parts of hell, where the souls are lost and tortured. In modern times, one who cheats does so by committing thievery when they steal another person’s ideas and pose it as their own without the owner’s consent or knowledge, and in the process, lie by saying it is an original piece of work. Copying is not helpful, and it shows a person’s immatureness and inability to comply with simple rules. Therefore, with these two sins in mind, if one lived in Dante’s time and cheated,…show more content…
For example, the consequences for cheating on the S.A.T. will be the same as cheating on a 5th grade quiz. Although the circumstances and importance of the two exams greatly differ, it still involves cheating, which will warrant consequences of the same severity. One can count cheating as looking at another person’s paper intentionally and writing the ideas that they had or using electronics for answers that they previously had no knowledge of. Doing so is unethical, as it is not morally correct for a person to look at another’s paper, take their ideas, and claim it as their own. False words and thievery aren’t encouraged in the modern society, and are considered extreme sins as shown in Dante’s world, so copying off another would be just as bad. One who does this would be violating orthodoxy, which is the generally accepted theory or practice in a…show more content…
Master Adam, the falsifier of metals says to Sinon, the false witness at Troy, “You were not so truthful… when you were asked to tell the truth.” (Dante, Canto 30), in order to indicate why Sinon was in Hell. When someone takes a test, it is already foreknowledge that talking to others or asking for help is prohibited. One also indirectly gives their consent that they won’t cheat or aid others in doing so. When they don’t obey these rules, they are committing fraud and aren’t being honest. As Dante goes on, he hears Ulysses’ story where Ulysses says, “Consider your origin: you were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.” (Dante, Canto 36) Though he is not in Hell for lying or stealing, this point shows it is morally incorrect to do so. When one does something that is sinful, in the case, cheat, they are living as an insensitive person with no respect for others. Instead, they must do what is correct, and find answers with their own wisdom instead of seeking to take it from others. These punishments are very severe, but stealing is stealing whether it be a valuable item like jewelry or someone’s hard work, and the same thing goes for

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