The Importance Of Celebrities In Advertising

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2.1 CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT Celebrity can be defined as a person who holds fame and recognition in the public and own exclusive attributes like physical attractiveness, expertise and reliability (Hayat, Ghayyur, & Siddique, 2013). People who are well known among significant portion of public due to the publicity connected to their lives are known as celebrities (Rai & Sharma, 2013). Celebrities are well known to the general public and they use their social ranks to make impression on people while representing a sponsored brand. They have an international popularity and can be from entertainment or sports world (Poghosyan, 2015). An endorser may be a model, expert, lay, CEO, fictitious or a third party. . In South Asian countries people adore…show more content…
Another good example of endorsements is of Michael Jordan in the advertisements of Coke, Nike and McDonald's which resulted in the contribution of billions dollar to the economy. It clearly depicts the significance of having celebrities in the advertisements. Some time ago, Tiger Woods rejected an offer he got from an Irish bookmaker Power Paddy of around $75 million. He said that he didn't find the offer much profitable. According to reports , Woods has earned $125 million from its endorsement with Nike. Another tennis star Venus Williams negotiated a 5 years agreement of around 40 million dollars. More popular endorsements include America's former tennis player John McEnroe in Dunlop and English boxer Prince Naseem Hameed in Adidas advertisement (Hayat, Ghayyur, & Siddique, 2013). It clearly depicts the significance of having celebrities in the…show more content…
Studies have revealed that lay endorsers have been more effective in developing strong association to the product as compared to celebrity endorsers. The reason can be explained through the classical conditioning model. In marketing communications, people learn the connection between the unconditioned stimulus i.e. the lay and the conditioned stimulus i.e. celebrity endorser after continuous and repetitive exposures. The connection is going to be strong with the lay endorser as compares to the celebrity who is already famous because of a lot of other issues other than the brand that is being advertised. Statically no difference in behavior towards advertisements and actually purchases in celebrity and non-celebrity ads could be identified. But in the responses produced by the respondents, they paid more attention to the actual product and its qualities in non-celebrity ads while they paid more attention to the celebrity instead of the product in celebrity
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