Impact Of Architectural Models

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Architectural models and model-making plays an important and essential role in the designing and creating an idea, especially when it is required to get a physical product. Architectural models are considered one of the strongest design methods upon which an architect able to transfer his/her architectural thoughts and visions from the theoretical to the practical state. This allows testing of ideas so as they become applicable to be built. These architectural models have several impacts not only as means of representation that carry an implicit meaning, but also have other critical impacts that can be regarded as an actual value that can be measured. Therefore, the study explored the impacts of model making as value-added tool in three major…show more content…
Firstly, it started by establishing a chronological approach on the development and implementation of architectural models and its major impacts on the designing and production of our physical environment since they first appeared. Over the historical overview provided in this study it is affirmed that the architectural models had a significant impact in the formation and existence of civilization since ancient times to the present day. The role and impacts of models on the daily routine of human life is obvious and this has been inferred in this study through the struggling of old man to overcome the hardships of everyday life. Among the prominent impacts of the “models” on the old man's life is his intending to make/produce the tools that support him to survive, whether to provide food such as creating hunting tools, to defend himself from enemies like making fighting equipment or to provide shelter to protect himself against the environmental circumstances. All of these needs could not have been possible without the physical embodiment of those tools as stated by Albert Smith…show more content…
This claimed to look at the nature of design and thinking in the sense of how creative ideas are basically born, generated and emerged. Then, the interrelation between the design as “process” and the emergent idea as a “product” lead to another concern which claimed to be the a fundamental issue in architectural design process, that is, the relationship between creativity and architecture. Accordingly, it has been found that when the process of design involves physical interactions between the designer and his/her idea the obtained outcome(s) (design product) is a very creative, buildable and efficient product/building. Moreover, the physical interactions had its affirmative impacts in architectural education in particular. In the one hand, relying on “learning-by-doing” as a way of learning in academic environments, especially that based on practical aspects, reflected positively on the pedagogical and moral aspects of the students. Incorporating the method of “learning-by-doing” in academic environments especially those depend on heavily on practical aspects, yielded several positive outcomes such as: encouragement and motivation, gaining self-confidence, increase the degree of perception and imagination, improving competency and experience of the student, offering a cheerful and

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