The Internet: Prost Disadvantages And Cost Advantage Of The Internet

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Moreover, the Internet provide technical support and immediate distribution of information. You can also use web site to provide technical support to users because web pages can be immediately with new information, news, various technical support literatures can be modified right away in light of new findings and developments. Sharing information through the Internet is also quick and smooth. For instance, when fresh information is added to a web site, in a flash it can be seen by hundreds or more of the Internet users. You can use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. All the Internet users will get the news at the same time. You can also share videos, photos and any other file. The World Wide Web (www) is an ideal medium of information…show more content…
This group of people could help them on their foods and clothes or ask for the rich to donate money to them. This will be a great activity that will develop the humanity in the people. The Internet are cost effective. Perhaps the biggest advantage of using the Internet for business is its cost effectiveness. Opening and maintaining an online store costs a fraction of the budget required to open a physical shop. Advertising online is less expensive than in traditional media, and it allows business owners to reach a more targeted demographic. The Internet also allows business to be conducted without expensive travel. In the retail industry, for example, a shop owner can browse and purchase goods for resale from suppliers around the globe without having to leave the comfort of his computer…show more content…
These emails disturb the receiver pointlessly. They are illegal and can cause frustration because they make it tough for people to access their email accounts. Bots are used to attack your inbox with endless advertisement emails. This is quite confusing as it always gets mixed up with important emails. Luckily, most email service providers have a security system in place to stop spam emails from going to your inbox. All emails that are thought suspicious get their email ID or IP address blocked or sent to the Spam folder. At the present more than 95% of email messages sent worldwide is believed to be spam, making spam fighting tools increasingly important to all users of email. There are ways users can avoid spam, example use the Runbox spam filter and virus filter, use firewall software to stop attacks from people attempting to compromise your

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