The Importance Of Advertising Positioning In Advertising

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Advertising positioning strategies affect category- level price importance and sensitivity, because the competitive marketplace dictates that advertising affects both the sponsor's brand and the competitive offerings in the marketplace… Positioning can differentiate brands on the basis of attributes or image, associate them by highlighting similarities between market competitors, or focus consumers on a promotional price of an advertised brand. Identifying specific types of non price advertising positioning that increase brand equity and category price sensitivity, those that decrease both, and those that increase brand equi- ty while increasing category price sensitivity. Ad position is determined by a formula called Ad Rank that gives your…show more content…
Remaining space is then allocated to news, features and sport. Management structure and classifieds Newspaper Practice is designed to take you through the basics of newspaper structure; Advertising, Editorial, and Production. These sections are the key areas forming autonomous departments in all newspapers. I am going to take you through each of them with sufficient detail to provide background knowledge of their contribution to the publication. Newspapers throughout Britain vary in their types of ownership and the way in which they are controlled and run. They range from the small, private concerns, to the huge multi-national companies where the newspaper is a tiny part of a vast, world-wide industrial interest. Most have a number of directors who represent the interests of their respective departments at BOARDROOM level. In the kind of newspaper we are considering there would be board supremos governing editorial, advertising, production, personnel, finance, circulation and promotions, and the interests of the shareholders. In the kind of newspaper we are considering there would be board supremos governing editorial, advertising, production, personnel, finance, circulation and promotions, and the interests of the

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