Nursing Personal Statement Examples

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My primary interest for nursing was when my mother had severe depression, she needed constant care, which was provided by nurses, so she could lead a healthy lifestyle. This motivated me because as a nurse, you need to provide support to the family, a quality of care and sympathy towards the patient. Throughout the years I recognised nursing is a very stimulating and challenging career, as I would help her with everything she needed, from bathing her to collecting her medicines from the pharmacy. The success of a fit and strong patient will inspire me to prolong my career, as I love to help fulfil the needs of others. Every nurse I encountered, I had utmost respect and admiration for their dedication and hard work. I believe nursing is much…show more content…
The role of nursing is altering as nurses look after the wellbeing of patients and this enables extra responsibility. My seven A-level qualifications has helped me in different ways, in Biology I learnt the scientific aspect of nursing, the continuous study of the human body, anatomy and physiology of different body types. In Home Economics, I understand the importance of following instructions, working independently and as a part of a team to reach missions and goals for the day. In Business Studies, I learnt profession, trade and the economic system of the various health care facilities in England and Ireland. In the various languages I learnt such as English, Irish and French, these have helped me communicate to a large number of people in my work experience. In mathematics I realised it is key in a field such as nursing as they use maths for many things such as arithmetical charts of epidemics and whether treatments have been successful. I had gone on to do pharmaceutical science for one year but I felt like I was not fulfilling my full potential. I enjoy the interaction of people, and feel nursing will be better suited to my

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