Nursing Personal Statement Essay

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To study Child nursing is my life’s ambition, I love a challenge and feel I work well under pressure. As a child myself I became a “Young Carer”, looking after my younger siblings, adopting a motherly role; Feeding, washing, changing and doing school runs, etc. This has given me an understanding of the basic care and needs of babies/children, and adolescents, which I can apply to my future nursing studies. Whilst studying Health and social care I learnt the importance of diversity and communication. Understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising their individual differences. When applied to nursing this would enable me to find ways of supporting both patients and their family. Studying Anatomy and physiology has given me…show more content…
I worked voluntarily as a pre-school assistant for 4 months, during this period I carried out written observations to monitor progress and carried out risk assessments, showing me the importance of documenting, and confidentiality. I worked closely with my family’s Child minding business where I learnt about legislation, building my communication and leadership skills, planning and undertaking activities with children. I have taken various theory courses (2-6 weeks each) and completed: Measuring and valuing health. Where I gained an understanding of patient reported outcomes (QUALY’s) and clinical supervision. Applying this to nursing, gives me the skills I may need, for instance, there may be a case where a child-minder has come in for one child and I may need occupy the other children. Caring for vulnerable children, as which I have personal experience with, which can help to further me in Nursing. I also have some knowledge of Dysphagia: difficulties in swallowing and I am currently participating in theory courses on ECG learning to understand the principles of electrocardiography and a step by step approach to the ECG test, as well as Babies In Mind, learning about how parents and caregivers influences a child’s

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