Zorba Case Study

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Zorba interview You just have to know more about the happy company, Zorba. Zorba Studio has about 6 different courses and 8 distinctive therapies for people with stress related problems. Sarvesh Shashi, 23, CEO of the company is now considered as one of the most successful and youngest CEOs in South India and he told us that they are planning to expand to hundred studios in the next three years. Sarvesh also said that their basic objective is in spreading happiness to the world. We caught up with him to understand more about Zorba. Sarvesh Shashi says’ Zorba is old wine in a new bottle as it is a mix of both modern and traditional ways to beat stress’. 1) What does Zorba mean? In Greek, Zorba means a person who lives life fully. 2) What…show more content…
My dad was into yoga and since he couldn’t complete a particular course, he told me to continue with it. The words that attracted me from my Guruji were ‘If you think I can enlighten you, you are a fool and I am a bigger one’. I asked my dad whether I can continue and he was fine with it. It is when I found the greatest changes in myself that I wanted to spread the message of Guruji and start Zorba. 3) Tell us more about the therapies available in Zorba? Almost all therapies are available in Zorba . Acupressure, acupuncture, Marma, Kriyas, Naturopathy and many more are available with Zorba. 4) According to you, what form of exercise is the best stress reliever? The best way to relieve stress is to dance as dancing is a form of exercise where people have fun doing it and can reduce a lot of…show more content…
Happiness is also all about living in the moment. 9) Does yoga really help in weight loss? Yoga ensures 200 percent weight loss. Come to our studio and understand what I am talking about. 10) What is modern spirituality according to you? You can either be religious or spiritual. There is nothing called modern spirituality. Spirituality is coming to terms with you. 11) How does your yoga awaken one’s sexuality in a positive way? It’s pretty simple. All that has to be done is to get in touch with your sacred chakra. 12) Are your programs pocket-friendly? It depends on the individual. So, I would say a yes and a no. 13) Is there a myth that you would like to debunk about weight-loss? Weight loss itself is a debunk. What is more important is being internally and externally happy and increase fitness levels. 14) Congratulations on being acquired by Talwalkars. How did that happen? We got our company evaluated by Dandekar Capital and Mr Vignesh who was a part of the company told Talwalkars about us. The five minute meeting with Talwalkars went on to a three hour meeting and the end of it, we came into an agreement. Talwalkars has invested 50 percent into the

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