The Importance Of Ancient Roman Architecture

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Voltaire, the French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher, once said, “The ancient Romans built their greatest masterpieces of architecture, their amphitheaters, for wild beasts to fight in. ("Voltaire Quote: 'The ancient Romans built their greatest masterpieces of architecture, their amphitheaters, for wild beasts to fight in.?," n.d.)” The Roman architecture symbolized events. For example, the Arch of Titus or the Column of Trajan indicated triumphs, delineated war, illustrated military life, and revealed lands and adversaries of the state (“Introduction to ancient Roman art,” n.d.). The Romans expressed their uniqueness through their architecture. They were the first to introduce interior spaces, and they focused on them more…show more content…
The romans constructed an interrelated complex transporting system that linked the whole country together and escorted to the capital, Rome. This system allowed easier and rapid communication and access between colonies. Furthermore, the romans were the first to erect aqueducts to transport water from distant places to homes, fountains, and public baths. As the water was supplied for the public, the new colonies delightfully embraced and gave rise to the roman control. Moreover, the romans also established the bridges at the time they introduced the aqueducts. They used it in transportation as it was easier for the public to move to other locations in the country - especially the remote areas (“How Has Roman Architecture Influenced Modern Architecture,” 2016). Also, nearby 70 AD, the Romans erected public baths that were used as a massive “bathing and socializing complex.” Furthermore, they constructed amphitheaters - like the colosseum, found in the center of Rome - for amusement. In their arenas, the romans held the sporting events, slave fighting and chariot races, that they lent from the Etruscans. Additionally, the Romans used mosaics, which are “designs made of small pieces of stones, glasses, and bricks,” and shaped glass to decorate their houses, amphitheaters, and fascinating…show more content…
The Romans passed great architecture. For example, the Roman mosaics, which were used by the roman long ago, are used today by people to adorn homes. Furthermore, shaping glass is one of the main traditions that the Romans practice. These days, glass is used to embellish houses, hotels, and airports and used daily. Also, the Romans baths had an outstanding influence since nowadays all over the world, people visit municipal swimming pools to mingle, enjoy their time, and participate in competitions. Besides, after the Colosseum was used by the romans for amusement, now, huge communal stadiums hold sports games and concerts for diversion (“Classical Connections: From Roman Art and Architecture to Today,” n.d.). Also, the Carlsbad Cavern National Park located in the Guadalupe mountains showcases the colosseum design (“How Has Roman Architecture Influenced Modern Architecture,”

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