The Five Great Orders Of Jainism

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Five great vows of Jainism Jainism is the religion that direct a path of ahimsa which means non-violence toward all the living beings. Jainism is also one of the oldest religion in the world history. The population of Jainism is approximately 6 million. By looking at the population of Jainism, we can notice that Jainism is a significant association. There are communities in Belgium, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. Maha-vratas, which is the five great vows of Jainism. It's divided into five parts. Non-violence, Truth ,Non stealing, chastity, and Non-possession. Let's talk about the five great vows of Jainism more specifically, which is called Maha-vratas. For those who don't really know about the five great vows of Jainism,…show more content…
It is also called "Ahimsa". Ahimsa is the most well known aspect among the Jainism community. Non-violence is the more essential duty among five concepts, because It is the main hallmark of for Jain identity. There are two ways, Intentionally or unintentionally. If you make intentional violence It is a huge sin. But If you acted it unintentionally you should pray for the soul that have died unfortunately. Jain diet is also included in non-violence. There is special name for vegetarianism in Jainism which is called Lacto-vegetarianism. It represents the minimum commitment. They are not allowed to kill any living things around the world. Even an ant If someone unintentionally step on it, it died. Then she/he has to pray for the unfortunate soul. Some strict vegetarian among Jainism do not eat root vegetable. Such as potatoes, onion and garlic, because some little insects or even bacteria might get injured when the vegetables are pulled. Jainism accepts self defense such as a soldier fighting in the war and kill the enemies. It is considered as using the power and responsibility of…show more content…
It is also called Brahmacharya. Chastity which is the fourth vow simply means refraining from any sex activity, even masturbation.. This vow is allowing jains to imagine about sex which is sensualism but they are strictly not allowed to make sex indulgence with another. Especially for monks, they must observe and follow the vow. Monks must take this vow strictly and completely. They should not make any physical relationship other than their own spouse. The relationship with your own wife should be limited to minimum. Finally the last vow of Jainism which is non-possession or non-attachment. It is called Aparigraha. There is a sentence said by Mahavira. He said that wants and desires have no limit or end, only the sky is limit for them. It means nobody can desiring, because there is no end in the sky. Monks give up attachment such as house, book, cloth, pleasure and painful feeling toward any object, and even their family members. They just simply give up on everything they desire

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