The Golden Age

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The Golden Age of Medieval Christianity centers on the two fundamental components, monasticism and the papacy. The timeframe in history for this age is generally identified with the conclusion of the crusades or approximately the end of the thirteenth century. Manifestations of the Golden Age are found in the theological writings, missionary movements of renewal and in the architecture that is still evident today. The two primary individuals identified with this age include Francis of Assisi and Dominic of Osma. Saint Francis embraced a lifestyle committed to poverty. This form of monasticism is also known as the mendicants or those who lived by begging. This from of renewal or Holy Poverty became very popular as many identified with Francis…show more content…
This movement committed itself to rigorous study and preaching. The objective of this monastic movement was to combat a new wave of heresy in Southern France. This movement became known as the order of preachers or “Dominicans.” This order abolished manual labor for all monks so that they could further devote themselves to scholarship. This movement gave the church some of its most distinguished theologians. The Golden Age is also marked and influenced by the papacy. Pope Innocent III influenced the affairs of many kingdoms across Europe. In addition, both the Franciscans and Dominicans emerged during his reign. Innocent III is also credited for his influence in bringing Christianity closer together. The thirteenth century is seen in history and identified as this highpoint of papal authority. While the Golden Age of Christianity flourished from this highpoint of scholastic growth, widespread missionary efforts, and papal authority and influence, the winds of change were blowing. These winds were marked by the growing monetary economy. This economy gave increasing power and wealth to the bourgeoisie class. The bourgeoisie favored a highly centralized government and monarchs to help support trade, manufacturing and credit. As centralized governments (precursor to the modern states in Europe) grew in power, so did nationalism. As nationalism grew, the power and influence of the papacy decreased. Another outcome of nationalism, that

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