Han Golden Age Research Paper

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During the Han Golden Age, China enjoyed a period of prosperity and innovation. The foundation of this Golden Age was established when the Qin united China under a strong central government. By establishing an effective bureaucracy, the Qin built new roads and established uniform weights and measures, all advancements that promoted trade and innovation. However, the Qin erred in being too harsh with the people. It was therefore the Han’s rejection of Legalism and adoption of the more responsive Confucianism that allowed China to truly flourish. Thus, while the Qin laid the foundation for the Han Golden Age by uniting and standardizing China, the Golden Age did not begin until the Han changed the government’s focus from control to tolerance.…show more content…
Prior to the Qin, China was ruled by numerous feudal lords who constantly fought with each other for power and control. Named the Warring States Period, violence was prevalent and prosperity and innovation suffered. Then, in 221 B.C.E., a feudal lord named Zheng defeated his rivals and named himself Shi Huangdi, first emperor and leader of the Qin Dynasty. As a result, China was united under the Qin. Once unified, the Qin established an effective bureaucracy that facilitated trade through the construction of roads and standardization of weights and measurements. The bureaucracy was centered on 36 military districts, each led by an official appointed by and loyal to Shi Huangdi. As a result, the emperor’s decisions were uniformly executed throughout the empire. Significant policies included the standardization of weights, measurements and coins, which made it much easier for merchants to trade or sell goods throughout the

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