Elizabethan England is most commonly defined as “the epoch in English history of Queen Elizabeth I's reign (1558–1603). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history.” (Guy 32) This may strike people of the modern era as a tad confusing. How can a time period be so blatantly described as the, “golden age in English history” when half the population of that country was subjected to oppression? The patriarchy of England during this time period worked to force women into submission
The Gothic is the study of the otherness; the unseen. It disturbs us as it is associated with anxiety, chaos, darkness, the grotesque and evokes images of death, destruction and decay. (Steele, 1997)According to Catherine Spooner in ‘Contemporary Gothic’ 2006, “The Gothic lurks in all sorts of unexpected corners.” It is incredibly broad - superstitions, the uncanny, the monstrous, the forgotten past, the Gothic feminine - to name but a few are all elements which combine to form this theme. The Gothic