Conformity In Antigone Essay

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Sophocles’s “Antigone,” was a Greek tragedy which focused on the idea of standing against society. Protagonist Antigone plays a conformist in the story, and goes against the society her uncle established to stand up for her beliefs. Sophocles uses foil, irony, and characterization to explore the idea of conformity. In “Antigone,” the idea of conformity is displayed through foil, between Antigone and Ismene. The sisters express foil, because their behaviors, and morals contrast. While Ismene is the rule follower, Antigone on the other hand, decides to defy the laws. The two have different views on the issue of their brother, and honoring his death, which causes them to clash. Antigone wants to give Polyneices a proper burial, although, Creon will not let it happen, because he betrayed Thebes. Ismene is shocked at what her sister plans to do, wondering why she “...would bury him when it is forbidden to Thebes…” (Sophocles 85). It is already evident…show more content…
She shows precarious behavior, as she undermines Creon, and even her sister’s point of view. As the story goes on, Ismene becomes concerned for her sister, she has this sense of “fear for whom [she] loves” (Sophocles 84). Sophocles makes it apparent that Ismene has given up on the adversity between them, and now she fears something will happen to her. Antigone and Ismene manifest foil through exploring conformity, because it is where the conformist; Antigone, finds her voice. She finds her voice through the early conversations with her sister, in which they not only had different views, but personalities on the subject of their brother. Antigone makes valid reasons as to why she is defying what the society believes, and Creon’s law, because she has different beliefs. Therefore, the foil in the story displays the contrast in the characters, which accounts for Antigone becoming the

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