The Focused Career Analysis

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The Focused Career Exercise was a very edifying experience. This practice gave me insight on many careers opportunities within my Bachelor of Business Administration degree and Marketing major. It also helped me discover my interests, strengths, experiences, and academic preparation in my proposed profession. According to my Work Interest Assessment, my Top 3 strengths are Enterprising, Artistic, and Conventional. Enterprising consists of those who prefer selling and promoting, leading groups, self-confident and energetic individuals, and ones who enjoy discussing politics. Conventional individuals are those who are strategic, organized, and like things run efficiently and in order. Artistic is very much so verbatim. These are three great advantages a businesswoman and marketer should hold. A marketer must know how to effectively persuade someone by being strategic and creative in order to make a sale, profit, or even to be successful. My interests are substantial illustrations that I meet the world’s need in Marketing through my creativity, organization, and persuasion.…show more content…
My top skills are categorized as designing, fine arts, and helping others/society. These of which match my creativity and enterprising interests that were stated previously. In order to become a Marketer, one must value altruism, creativity, and helping others. An interesting fact about the origin of my name, Saundrea is an elaboration of Sandra, which means “helper of humane kind.” From this illustration, it is my moral obligation or calling to help others through artistic persuasion. My skills meet the world’s need in my Marketing profession through my ability to help others, commit, motivate, and identify problems. All of these strengths are aspects that a Resident Assistant and businesswoman must

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