My Career In Public Health

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I can still remember those words, ‘When you are a clinician, you are saving a life, but when you are a public health personnel, you are saving thousands of life at a time’, delivered by my professor at the orientation class of undergraduate community medicine course. That introductory speech was so motivating that I contemplated for a while, should I be in the ‘thousands life saver’ group? Though inspiring, that speech alone was not sufficient to grow my interest in public health. Day by day I was feeling the importance of public health while dealing with various patients as a clinician. During my Intern period at Dhaka Medical College Hospital, I managed diverse type of diseases and realized that to delve into the depths of the medicine,…show more content…
For this purpose, after completing my internship, I joined Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB), a very reputed NGO, which deals with maternal and child health issues of Bangladesh. At first, I worked as a medical officer in ‘Community-Based Skilled Birth Attendant (CSBA)’ project collaborating with the Government of Bangladesh and UNFPA. Aim of this project was to achieve the target of Millennium Development Goal 4 and 5, which was to reduce the child mortality (MDG 4) and to reduce the maternal mortality ratio along with improvement of maternal health (MDG 5). After completion of this project, I joined another project of OGSB on safe motherhood and this time in collaboration with Save the Children International and USAID. In this project, I trained the health workers, nurses, and physicians at the rural level about antenatal & postnatal care, normal delivery, partograph, and neonatal resuscitation. Not only as a master trainer, this time due to my managerial quality and convincing power, my supervisor selected me as the team leader of the training unit also. I believe this teaching experience will provide me some extra advantage in my future…show more content…
Besides my regular studies and hospital duties, I was always involved in some social activities. From my first year of medical study, I was an active volunteer of ‘SANDHANI’, a national award winning blood donation organization. I also volunteered in some medical camp to serve the cyclone and flood affected area. From my public health interest, I always tried to attend the health-related seminars and workshops on a regular basis. In addition, I am a member of ‘Public Health Association of Bangladesh’ since

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