The Big Five Model

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Personality, commonly described as an internal process that directs behaviour (e.g. Asendorpf, 2002), is a fundamental area of study in psychology as it plays a key role in understanding why individuals behave in certain ways. Multiple approaches, including psychodynamic theories, trait theories, as well as humanistic and social perspectives (Larsen & Buss, 2010), have emerged in the efforts of explaining the characteristic behaviour of human beings. The key model of personality that has received the most attention is the Big Five Model (BFM) (Johnson & Krueger, 2004). The early success of the Big Five began with Cattell (1943), who developed his multidimensional model of personality based on Allport and Odbert’s (1936) classification of personality-relevant…show more content…
Method Participants The sample comprised of N=59 Malaysian students, recruited based on convenience sampling, but was narrowed down to N=48 as 11 responses were incomplete. Participants included 45 females and three males, with ages ranging between 19 and 24 years (M=20.63, SD=1.06). Participation was voluntary and no compensation was given. Materials Journal articles, online dictionaries, textbooks, encyclopaedias and thesaurus were used to develop the conceptual and operational definition of the traits.…show more content…
Method Participants The sample of this study included the same 59 participants from Study 1. As students were required to give another set of questionnaire to their friend from the opposite gender, the total participants amounted to N=128 participants, of whom 44 were females and 34 males, whereas the remaining data were missing. Excluding the 47 missing data, age of participants ranged between 13 and 77 years (M=21.27, SD=6.48). Participation was voluntary and no form of compensation was provided. Materials Big Five Model Questionnaire (BFMQ) (see Appendix _) is a newly developed scale, generated based on three traits: agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience. This instrument consists of 30 adjective-based items, using a 7-point Likert scale, whereby 1 indicates not like me and 7 indicates very like me. Examples of items include “experimenting” and “independent”. Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) (Paulhus, 1984) (see Appendix _) is a 40-item inventory, employed to examine the social desirability of individuals using a 7-point Likert scale. Score 1 indicates not true and 5 indicates very true. An example of an items is “I never

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