Tiger Woods Psychology

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Tiger Woods is an American professional golfer who is among the best golfers ever. I have participated in Varsity Golf in high school; he was one of my favorite athletes. In regards to personality, the mental qualities contribute to examples of feeling, thinking and carrying on. As Tiger advances through to immaturity, Freud's hypothesis of psychosexual advancement will be analyzed to investigate the likelihood of Tiger entering the phallic stage with reference to Carl Jung's hypothesis of the structure of identity. Bandura's social-subjective hypothesis will likewise be analyzed to record for how and why Tiger shows a considerable lot of his identity qualities. Also, I will examine whether Tiger can be portrayed or comprehended as to the…show more content…
Early attachment relationships are thought by advancement psychologists to make models for offspring of what relationships ought to be similar to (McLeod, S. A., 2008). In the event that early models are not beneficial, this may incline a younger person to an example of identity advancement that can prompt the determination of identity issue sometime down the road. Tiger Woods was adding to the already enormous pressures and expectations he had on himself. He wanted to be the best golfer who ever lived. The first signs that Tiger, according to Freud’s stages of development, was moving into his phallic stage was when he was comparing himself to older adults (McLeod, S. A., 2008). He started to gain control on the golf course over his emotional outbursts and lapses in temper. He had now set targets in his career and was striving to meet these targets. He was getting to be ostensibly aggressive and strong on the fairway. This is a characteristic advancement as per Jung's structure of identity in which, a persona or veil is created to speak to an individual's open picture (Worchel, S. and Shebilske, W. 1992). He was demonstrating the world his quiet, together and centered self each time he played on a green, making impressions to control and impact individuals' feelings of…show more content…
He has ascribed his deviations and treacheries to his loosing track of Buddhism saying that Buddhism shows him to quit taking after every motivation and to learn limitation. Unfaithfulness happens for some reasons, running from personality factors to development based hypotheses. Tiger Woods displays large amounts of agreeableness as a factor in his personality. He passes on genuine philanthropy and sympathy for burdened kids helping them accomplish their fantasies through training. Concerning openness Tiger demonstrates that he is friendly and alluring, then again he additionally demonstrates an absence of discretion (Srivastava, S., 2015). Late occasions in his own life have seen Tiger portrayed in the media similar to a “pimp” or

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